All websites are designed to follow a ridged set of style rules, these rules determine style and consistency, they apply to desktop and mobile browsers/devices alike. Without these rules the site would lose balance, coherence and ultimately its value.
Headings need run down a page like this H1, H2, H3, H4.
Important. Only use H1, H2, H3 etc for headings and sub headings . Don't use headings for whole paragraphs.
Don't make headings (h1, H2, H3 etc) bold, they have already been styled!
Images (within content) are used to support your carefully crafted copy. Only add an image if it adds real value to a page.
Use your images carefully, only use images that are high quality , they will work best if they are cropped in landscape. Images in portrait work best aligned left or right allowing some text to wrap and them.
Tip. Images that are low quality or not used correctly will reduce the value of your copy and ultimately your message. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus. Feugait at blandit bene blandit suscipere abdo duis ideo bis commoveo pagus ex, velit. Consequat commodo roto accumsan, duis transverbero. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus. Feugait at blandit bene blandit suscipere abdo duis ideo bis commoveo pagus ex, velit. Consequat commodo roto accumsan, duis transverbero.
Image (left/right) alignment is only available in desktop view. On a mobile phone they will take up the default (full width position).
Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus. Feugait at blandit bene blandit suscipere abdo duis ideo bis commoveo pagus ex, velit. Consequat commodo roto accumsan, duis transverbero.
Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus. Feugait at blandit bene blandit suscipere abdo duis ideo bis commoveo pagus ex, velit. Consequat commodo roto accumsan, duis transverbero.
This is a short simple paragraph.
This is another paragraph, note the line balance and spacing of the paragraphs. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus. Feugait at blandit bene blandit suscipere abdo duis ideo bis commoveo pagus ex, velit. Consequat commodo roto accumsan, duis transverbero.
This is a line of text with a ...
To create a breakspace use Shift/Return on your keyboard.
This is some sample text displaying some simple formatting. Bold Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Italics etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem.
Another list, this time numerical
How to format blockquotes, such as reviews.
Vanessa is a wonderful host and her cottage is beautiful. It's full of character and charm and is very peaceful. We enjoyed a two night stay with our two dogs. We loved relaxing by the fire and taking long walks in the fields at the back of the house. Both Vanessa and her husband are very helpful and welcoming. We wish we could have stayed longer! Emma
Vanessa is a wonderful host and her cottage is beautiful. It's full of character and charm and is very peaceful. We enjoyed a two night stay with our two dogs. We loved relaxing by the fire and taking long walks in the fields at the back of the house. Both Vanessa and her husband are very helpful and welcoming. We wish we could have stayed longer! Emma
Vanessa is a wonderful host and her cottage is beautiful. It's full of character and charm and is very peaceful. We enjoyed a two night stay with our two dogs. We loved relaxing by the fire and taking long walks in the fields at the back of the house. Both Vanessa and her husband are very helpful and welcoming. We wish we could have stayed longer! Emma
Vanessa is a wonderful host and her cottage is beautiful. It's full of character and charm and is very peaceful. We enjoyed a two night stay with our two dogs. We loved relaxing by the fire and taking long walks in the fields at the back of the house. Both Vanessa and her husband are very helpful and welcoming. We wish we could have stayed longer! Emma